Financial Freedom Consulting Group

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Financial Freedom Consulting Group

Opening hours

10 Baggett Drive
Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39475
Our Booking PolicyYou are on your way to financial freedom! Schedule your free consultation now!



Credit Repair

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:Free

Current Client Updates

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:Free

Debt Management

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:Free

Do It Yourself

. Duration:3 hrs··. Price:$99

Financial Education

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:Free

Life Insurance

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:Free

Notary Services

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:Free

Personal Consultation

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:Free

Signing Order Request

. Duration:1 hr 30 mins··. Price:$150


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Financial Freedom Consulting Group is a family owned company dedicated to educating our clients to live financially free. Because of our own credit mistakes and mishaps we learned the hard way how bad credit and having limited knowledge of our finances caused us to put all of our dreams in jeopardy and create turmoil in our relationship. After years of struggling we decided to take our lives back and take the necessary steps to become Financially Free! We established the Financial Freedom Consulting Group in 2015 to give other individuals and families the same opportunity that was given to us. We want to help everyone live their best life! We want to help everyone become financially free! Let us help you! We are Board Certified Consultants with 10 years of combined experience in financial literacy and credit restoration and we have proven in-depth knowledge and analytical skills in resolving credit issues. We Can Help You!

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